「音楽」で育成される資質能力 : 2019 年度公開講座「邦人作品の調べ」におけるリベラル・アーツ的要素

服部 慶子, 長谷川 慶岳, 長谷川 慎, 大石 陽介
In this study, we considered how abilities could be cultivated using music, taking examples from the "Shizuoka 2019 Open Lecture on an Studying of Japanese Works: Meiji to Modern Day," conducted based on the music department's objectives (Course of Study) announced in 2017. First, it was specified and discussed which abilities were intended to be fostered through arts and music from the standpoint of the 21st century skills map and liberal arts. Next, the traditional Japanese instrument, the
more » ... o, was traced using Japanese works examined in the open lecture, in conjunction with the history of the introduction of Western music and history of music education. What can be learned through the appreciation of these musical works was considered in light of the abilities meant to be fostered by the music in the preceding section. Finally, a questionnaire answered by course participants was analyzed, and it was concluded that there is a need to incorporate the liberal arts concepts in future music education.
doi:10.14945/00027113 fatcat:7z6hunuqgbanthaop4r7wdsxke