Control of thermocapillary instabilities far from threshold

P. Brunet, G. Amberg, P. H. Alfredsson
2005 Physics of Fluids  
We report experiments on control of thermocapillary instabilities at high temperature differences, in an annular geometry. Previous studies ͓Phys. Fluids 14, 3039 ͑2002͔͒ showed that a reasonable control of oscillatory instability could be achieved by optimizing a local heating feedback process. We conducted experiments with a basic flow converging from periphery to center. This constitutes a more unstable configuration than previously, and enables appearance of higher-order instabilities and
more » ... aos. Applying successfully local feedback control to the periodic state close to the threshold, we extend the process to higher temperature differences, where nonlinear as well as proportional/ derivative control laws are necessary to obtain a significant decrease of the temperature fluctuations. Finally, proportional control allows us to synchronize a chaotic state, to a periodic one.
doi:10.1063/1.2111144 fatcat:rw7ffy33i5fw3jox7ph3hab5tu