Real-world synchrophasor solutions

Edmund O. Schweitzer, David E. Whitehead
2009 2009 62nd Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers  
Synchrophasors are no longer an academic curiosity. Today, synchrophasors are providing solutions that otherwise would have been too expensive or too complicated to implement with traditional approaches. This paper examines ten synchrophasor applications being applied to monitor, visualize, and control electric power systems. 1. Voltage and current phasing verification 2. Substation voltage measurement refinement 3. SCADA verification and backup 4. Communications channel analysis 5. Wide-area
more » ... equency monitoring 6. Improved state estimation 7. Wide-area disturbance recording 8. Distributed generation control 9. Synchrophasor-assisted black start 10. Synchrophasor-based protection Included with each application is a description of the required equipment, communications channels, and data rates.
doi:10.1109/cpre.2009.4982540 fatcat:neyauiqsdrdvvjfvoiyzeeoq5a