Victim in competitive criminal procedure
Volovymyr Tertyshnyk
Naukovyy Visnyk Dnipropetrovs kogo Derzhavnogo Universytety Vnutrishnikh Sprav
The article analyses problems of determining ways to improve the procedural procedure to protect the rights and freedoms of victim in the legal field of competitive criminal justice. The issue of improving the status of the victim, extending his rights, determining the procedure for its implementation stipulated by law, harmonization of legislation, elimination of legal conflicts, ensuring the rule of law, strengthening guarantees The rights and freedoms of the victim. Aligning the CPC of
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... e with the Constitution of Ukraine, and coordinating it with the Civil Code of Ukraine and applicable international legal acts, we propose in the norm of the CPC of Ukraine, which determines the status of the victim, in addition to the rights established there by the law, to set out the following rights of the victim: a) to demand compensation for the moral harm caused and physical and pecuniary damages at the expense of the person guilty of the crime or persons who are financially responsible for their actions, and in cases where the person who committed the crime is not identified, for ahunok State budget; b) to respect his honor and dignity, to demand that facts of the collection, use, storage and disclosure of the degrading honor, dignity or business reputation of false information be prevented, and, if necessary, make a request for the removal of such information, raise the issue of closed court proceedings ; c) require arrest of the defendant's deposits and property and take other measures provided by law to recover the damage caused to him by the crime; d) require personal immediate examination by a forensic expert in case of personal injury or harm to his / her health; e) to use the legal assistance of a legal representative from a lawyer or other specialist in the field of law from the moment of recognition as a victim; g) have a confidential date with the legal attorney before the first interrogation, as well as the presence of a lawyer or legal representative at his first interrogation; g) to be acquainted with the decision on the appointment of forensic examination and the expert's opinion; h) to get acquainted with the case file in the suspended criminal proceedings on the grounds of not identifying the perpetrator; i) to participate directly in the examination of all evidence at the trial and to speak in court, regardless of the participation of the prosecutor. The investigator, the inquirer, the prosecutor, the court are obliged to immediately explain to the victim his procedural rights, to hand him a written document describing his rights - a declaration of the victim's rights, to immediately take the measures provided by law for ensuring the victim's rights. Prospects for further study of this problem are seen in the development of models of realization of the victims of their procedural rights at different stages of the process.