The Effect of Payment, Recognition, Empowerment and Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction in the Malaysia's Oil and Gas Industry

Nurul Ezaili Alias, Fadhilah Noor Nokman, Shafinar Ismail, Wei-Loon Koe, Rozana Othman
2018 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences  
Job satisfaction is dynamic. It is a condition where individuals are contented or discontented with their jobs. Job satisfaction plays a significant role in valuing employee's efficiency and productivity. Oil and gas (O&G) industry is very important sector in contributing to the nation's development and economy. As this industry is recognized as the most important industry to the country's and world's economy, the jobs are multifaceted and focus-oriented, hence this situation exposed the
more » ... ations to high attrition rate and job switching among its employees and this become the difficulties to the O&G organizations. Therefore, effective human resource management should be implemented to continuously motivate the employees to be satisfied with the job. Thus, the purpose of this study is to assess the impact of payment, recognition, empowerment and work-life balance on job satisfaction in the O&G industry. The researchers conveniently distributed the questionnaires to all 200 respondents and there were 158 returned, thus it yielded a response rate of 79%. The answers varied among the demographic and functional designation within the O&G industry. Multiple regression analysis was performed for analysis of data. Results revealed that all independent variables were positive and significantly influenced job satisfaction and empowerment is found to have the strongest predictor to job satisfaction.
doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v8-i9/4645 fatcat:wi53qcs3qbahdal773cfmwmyfu