Nanoparticles as Emerging Therapeutics for Coping Antimicrobial Drug Resistance

Navnit Kumar Mishra
2017 Bioenergetics Open access  
Emergence of antimicrobial drugs resistance to traditional antibiotic compounds is a global problem with considerable challenges predict ted for treatment of many serious bacterial infections. The drug resistance against common antibiotics has gain resurgence in developing novel therapeutics such as nanoparticles against microbe. Some nanoparticles have been observed previously to have antimicrobial properties. Although the biological basis for this effect is currently unknown, it is
more » ... d that quantum interactions within the cell play vital role in the regulation of RNA transcription relating to both coding (relating to genes) and non-coding (structural RNA) regions of the genome. These transcripts interact and establish an intracellular communication in the bacterium Escherichia coli. Their interaction can be unfolded by the application of nanoparticles. The response in terms of bacterial growth and RNA expression upon the exposure of the nanoparticles can be evaluated. Furthermore, the site of nanoparticle incorporation within the bacterial cell and the potential intracellular transcript interactions has been hypothesized. There is an important aspect of DNA/RNA dynamic system where they work as an information energy catalyst, able to transmit and receive Bio-quantum signals (e.g. Bio-Photons and associated Bio-Phonons) to and from the proteins and RNA molecules in living cells. This interactive dynamic information exchange in Quantum-Bio-Physics can be termed as Quantum communication in living systems. Based on this aspect of Bio-quantum signal a hypothesis of Quantum communication among the transcriptome of microbe can be proposed. This communication enables them to become resistant against any antibiotics. This emphasize that the quantum signal generated as a result of antibiotics interactions, from one transcript passes to another transcript. This communication makes aware to the other microbe machinery to become inactive against the foreign particles. This communication among the transcriptome can be interrupted by exposure to antimicrobial nanoparticle by changing the quantum state communications occurring within them. Silver and gold nanoparticles have shown their antimicrobial potency by inhibiting the growth of several harmful bacteria. Moreover, some oxide nanoparticles have also shown their antimicrobial potency.
doi:10.4172/2167-7662.1000150 fatcat:smrzs35kbbhcjbzdplrcfxjifq