Markov Reliability Model for Heat Meters

Przemysław Pałasz, Józef Żurek, Radosław Przysowa
2018 Journal of KONBiN  
The reliability of thermal energy meters is analysed using the Markov model which describes the operation of these meters in a large number of apartments and offices by a media accounting company. The data has been extracted from a relational database storing information on the operation, installation and exchange of these measures from the last 10 years. The built Markov model turned out to be ergodic, which allowed determining its limiting distribution. In addition, the probability
more » ... ns for the cumulated consumption were determined in the work - separately for all meters and meters' failures.
doi:10.2478/jok-2018-0005 fatcat:sz4a267sm5fh5d3cpvlxzd5xu4