Transformation in the South African mining industry - looking beyond the employment equity scorecard

N.V. Moraka, M. Jansen van Rensburg
2015 Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy  
Going beyond transformation claims contained in employment equity scorecards and industry compliance reports, this article provides qualitative insight into the initiatives employed and challenges experienced by mining companies in a quest to transform the mining industry. Perceptions expressed during in-depth interviews with 10 senior executives showed that the assumption that mining companies are reluctant to transform is erroneous. Results from this study suggest buy-in and commitment to
more » ... sformation. This article describes specific initiatives undertaken by mining companies to transform. The most notable initiatives include staff recruitment efforts to appoint historically disadvantaged South Africans (HDSAs), staff development initiatives, as well as community development. The findings furthermore contextualize the challenges experienced by industry participants in their quest to transform. Despite accusations that industry participants are not taking responsibility for the implementation of the transformation agenda, government needs to recognize that they too have a role to play and need to appreciate and assist in the current challenges experienced by the industry.
doi:10.17159/2411-9717/2015/v115n8a2 fatcat:nuzeoo4ixzdujjdqse22epfaru