Perceived Risk and Online Purchase Intention of Online Buying and its Affinity: Perceived Behavioral Control as a Moderator

Shaira Bi Abdul, Vasanthi Soundararajan
2022 Orissa Journal of Commerce  
The intention of this Conceptual Research work is to develop a model showing that the connection of the numerous magnitudes of perceived risk and the online purchase intention of consumers. Riding on the Theory of planned behavior (TPB), the model highlights the importance of perceived behavioral control to change the strength of the perceived risk and purchase intent and its association. This model links the purchase intention to actual purchase behavior of consumers and the model has been
more » ... ed by applying hierarchical regression. The findings are helpful to understand the complex relationships between various dimensions of risk and online purchase intention. Mainly the perceived interactive control as a mediator in the relationships has an important theoretical and practical implications of concerning online buying.
doi:10.54063/ojc.2022.v43i03.04 fatcat:d7z4r3uenfdojoh7pxnclpktuq