Early Psycho-social Intervention Program WHO/ICDP as an Effective Optimization Method for Child-parental Relationships

Oksana M. Isaeva, Elena N. Volkova
2016 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This article investigates the problem of optimizing child-parental relationships with "Early psycho-social intervention program WHO/ICDP" in the Russian environment.We conducted a study of 75 parents who have normally developing children from ages 0-7 (a total of 75 children) and took part in the ICDP program. Before participating in the ICDP program, the parents' self-attitudes stay positive, but yet show some inner contradictions. The most controversial domain is power and influence,
more » ... and suppression as opposed to understanding and accepting a child. The results show to us that the ICDP program has corrected the parents' attitudes: it strengthens an educator's positive role for a parent, develops the positive image of a child, and improves positive parenting skills (understanding and accepting a child's wishes, interests and abilities; emotional self-control; positive regulation of a child's behavior). The program allows parents to find inner resources for optimization of child-parental relationships.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.10.178 fatcat:q37medjowngljfvfurzstne4le