高等学校におけるキャリア教育授業の実践による生徒の変容 : 「 将来の見通し」に注目して

酒井 淳平, 河井 亨
The critical issue of articulation between high school and college in Japan is not only higher education and examination but also high school education itself. The purpose of this article is to investigate high school students' career development. Recent studies showed students' future perspective had important role in student development. We investigate high school students at Ritsumeikan Uji high school from the perspective of articulation, focusing students' future perspective. This high
more » ... ol developed career service learning educational program. This program was selected as an observational study of the practice of career education and so it is suitable field of survey. 254(April)and 226(January) students participated our questionnaire. The results showed that almost all students achieved educational goal in this program and decrease the rate of students did not have future perspective. We conclude that the opportunities of self-exploration with the participation in service activities interacting various others are effective for high schoolstudents' career development. The critical issue regarding progression from high schools to university in Japan is not only higher education and examination but also high school education itself.
doi:10.34382/00007967 fatcat:6qks5geqxngkvd3ecmopv2wdbi