Manipulating Orbital Angular Momentum Entanglement in Three-Dimensional Spiral Nonlinear Photonic Crystals

Qian Yu, Chuan Xu, Sixin Chen, Pengcheng Chen, Saiwei Nie, Shijie Ke, Dunzhao Wei, Min Xiao, Yong Zhang
2022 Photonics  
We propose and theoretically investigate two-photon orbital angular momentum (OAM) correlation through spontaneous parameter down-conversion (SPDC) processes in three-dimensional (3D) spiral nonlinear photonic crystals (NPCs). By properly designing the NPC structure, one can feasibly modulate the OAM-correlated photon pair, which provides a potential platform to realize high-dimensional entanglement for quantum information processing and quantum communications.
doi:10.3390/photonics9070504 fatcat:c3r2xqazebba7pfxxdy6ygtz7i