Forms of Misology in Activist Research

Ion Plamadeala, Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu Institute of Romanian Philology, Republic of Moldova
2022 Filologia modernă: realizări şi perspective în context european   unpublished
The paper foregrounds the multiplication of various forms of misology, of hatred of reason and rationality, in general intellectual and academic discourse in recent decades in Western societies. Some interdisciplinary explanations for the causes of this phenomenon are proposed, and critically analysed are mysological manifestations in the socio-human sciences, primarily feminism and gender studies, as well as some deleterious effects on the general culture, the academic ethos and the peer-review evaluation system.
doi:10.52505/filomod.2022.16.02 fatcat:hliwkix4fzh65bcp5zckbkhv7m