Preference and Demand for Digital Pathology and Computer-Aided Diagnosis among Korean Pathologists: A Survey Study Focused on Prostate Needle Biopsy

Soo Jeong Nam, Yosep Chong, Chan Kwon Jung, Tae-Yeong Kwak, Ji Youl Lee, Jihwan Park, Mi Jung Rho, Heounjeong Go
2021 Applied Sciences  
Digital pathology systems (DPSs) have been globally implemented, and computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) software has been actively developed in recent years. This study aimed to investigate perceptions of digital pathology and the demand for CAD. An online survey involving members of the Korean Society of Pathologists was conducted, and a demonstration clip of the diagnostic assistant software for a prostate needle biopsy was shown to them to provide a simple experience with CAD. One hundred
more » ... y-four Korean pathologists (13.6% of 1210 Korean pathologists) participated. The majority (77.4%) answered affirmatively regarding the necessity of implementing a DPS, and 26.8% had plans to implement or increase the use of DPSs in the following 2–3 years at their medical institutions. Pathologists felt that multidisciplinary care or conference accessibility (56.7%), remote consultation (49.4%), and big data building (32.9%) were useful parts of DPSs. Most pathologists (81.7%) responded that CAD software would assist with the diagnostic process. In a prostate needle biopsy, pathologists used the software to improve the measurement of tumor volume and/or length and core length but not to suggest a diagnostic name or Gleason grade. Korean pathologists who participated in the survey had highly positive perceptions of digital pathology and maintained a positive attitude toward the use of CAD software.
doi:10.3390/app11167380 fatcat:mnspojab3bbkncsqvg672wivr4