The effectiveness of additional anti-reflux surgery after resection of esophagogastric junction cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis [report]

Peng Zheng, Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Na Wang, Yang Yu, Lei Gao, Yu Li, Fanghui Ding, Bofang Wang, Hao Chen
2021 unpublished
Review question / Objective: This study will evaluate all trials comparing the outcomes b e t w e e n c o n v e n t i o n a l s u rg e r y a n d conventional surgery combined additional anti-reflux surgery aimed at investigating the effects and clinical value of additional anti-reflux surgery for esophagogastric junction cancer and to provide a reference for surgeons to design operative plans in clinical practice. Condition being studied: Esophagogastric junction cancer.
doi:10.37766/inplasy2021.10.0043 fatcat:hbcv3o7g6rcglklten5vlrn4uy