Automated Java Challenges' Security Assessment for Training in Industry - Preliminary Results

Luís Afonso Casqueiro, Tiago Espinha Gasiba, Maria Pinto-Albuquerque, Ulrike Lechner, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Filipe Portela, Ricardo Queirós, Alberto Simões
Secure software development is a crucial topic that companies need to address to develop high-quality software. However, it has been shown that software developers lack secure coding awareness. In this work, we use a serious game approach that presents players with Java challenges to raise Java programmers' secure coding awareness. Towards this, we adapted an existing platform, embedded in a serious game, to assess Java secure coding exercises and performed an empirical study. Our preliminary
more » ... sults provide a positive indication of our solution's viability as a means of secure software development training. Our contribution can be used by practitioners and researchers alike through an overview on the implementation of automatic security assessment of Java CyberSecurity Challenges and their evaluation in an industrial context.
doi:10.4230/oasics.icpec.2021.10 fatcat:lzyxi357wvbrrdbfhhkpg2hn34