(1997-1998) Student Government Minutes: 04-15-1997 [article]

Community, The University Of Texas, Austin, The University Of Texas At
A regular meeting of the Student ' s Assembly of Student Government of the University of Texas at Austin was called to order at 7:03 p.m. on April 15, 1997 in GSB 2.126. The Secretary was present. Roll was called at the beginning of the meeting with the following Representatives not present Arnold, Baker, Pappas and Pierre. The guest speaker was: Meredith Frazier discussed co-operation and 40 acres fest Open Forum: Brian Feld discussed appointment procedures Colby Black supported resolution 1
more » ... ere was no Attorney General ' s report, Executive Director ' s report, Financial Director ' s report, or Committee reports. I. President 's Report A. Happy to see full assembly present and in proper attire B. The night of innaugural address was an emotional night and the visions presented were intended to be for the best of the entire student body, not to just benefit one individual C. There were over 200 applications to choose from and best people were choosen according to ability to represent the students ' interests D. Thank You to the assembly for all the hard work put into the campaigns II. Vice-president ' s Report A. Everyone has been subscribed to the Student Government Listserv B. The listserv is open for all U.T. staff, faculty, and students C. New Representatives-Please check boxes in the S.G. office D. The mobile office held its second metting in the Jester Center on April 15, 1997. Each mobile office stop will take along four to five Representatives and each stop will count as their one office hour required per week. The stops will be announced about one week in advance. E. Representatives need to make themselves available to students
doi:10.26153/tsw/14620 fatcat:vgrey3je2ffkvds3lsw5gfprei