М. В. Крюкова, Институт водных и экологических проблем ДВО РАН
2021 Вестник Бурятского государственного университета Биология география  
The article presents an analysis of the taxonomic structure of the flora of vascular plants in the Lower Amur region. The flora of the Lower Amur Region includes 2240 species from 760 genera and 158 families, which is 80% of the species composition of the Russian part of the River Amur basin. The native flora unites 1801 species from 602 genera and 152 families. The adventive complex is represented by 439 species from 256 genera and 57 families, which is 19.6% of the natural flora. The species
more » ... iversity, quantitative characteristics of the aboriginal and adventive flora of vascular plants in the Lower Amur region are comparable to those of the southern limit of the distribution of taiga ecosystems in the Holarctic. We have determined the place of the flora of reservoirs of the Lower Amur in the flora system of the River Amur basin. The spectrum of the leading families and genera in terms of the number of species corresponds to the geographical position of the territory (leading position in the family spectrum of Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Polygonaceae, in the generic spectrum -Carex,
doi:10.18101/2587-7143-2021-4-16-28 fatcat:haribglwnnf7jpoqgtmrzn2fpi