Highly Sensitive Temperature–Strain Hybridized Sensors for Human Health Status Monitoring [article]

Ashok Chhetry, Sudeep Sharma, Hyun-Joong Chung, Jae Yeong Park
The measurement of human-body-induced signals such as arterial pulses, blinking motions, and muscle twitching requires a flexible and stretchable multifunctional sensing platform that can measure multiple parameters in response to various body signals. As such, the integration of single-parameter sensors into a common substrate for each stimulus has limited the widespread application due to their expensive and sophisticated fabrication. In addition, the single functional device for multiple
more » ... uli is also restricting the efficient and reliable measurement of individual parameters due to the proper choice of functional materials.
doi:10.7939/r3-hyyh-f190 fatcat:yw3mprxxdvh7zmww2yx4pgjwzq