Barley (Hordeum vulgare) yield as affected by exposure time under physical priming techniques Bahram Mirshekari, Reza Siyami

2014 International Journal of Biosciences  
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exposure time of physical priming methods on barley (Hordeum vulgare) yield. The seeds were treated by ultrasonication, laser irradiation, magnetic field, gamma and beta irradiations all for 5 and 10 min. of exposure time. Analysis of variance of data collected was made by the software MSTAT-C, and means of traits were compared by using least significant difference test at 5% probability level. Time to final germination ranged from 5 days in laser and
more » ... magnetic field treatments at 5 min. exposure time. Those barley seeds treated with magnetic field and gamma treatments for 5 min. completely germinated, but only 85% of seeds under beta irradiation germinated. The vigorous barley seedlings with higher dry weight obtained from seeds under laser and magnetic field treatments at 5 min. exposure time. Materials under magnetic field treatment at 5, 10 min. and laser at 5, 10 min. produced seeds with TSW of nearly 46 g and 41 g, respectively. Seed yield ranged from 372 g m -2 in magnetic field treatment at 5 min. exposure time up to 284 g m -2 in beta irradiations. It can be concluded that treating barley seeds with magnetic field increases grain yield.
doi:10.12692/ijb/4.6.160-164 fatcat:rcigvrc6orhzdclu6bqtbllndq