A Process for Converting Corn Bran to Furfural without Mineral Acids [report]

William Louis Kubic, Xiaokun Yang, Cameron M. Moore, Andrew Sutton
2020 unpublished
Furfural is a bio-derived industrial chemical that has been identified as a platform chemical for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals. Currently, domestic feedstock and processing costs are high, so United States-based furfural production is not competative on the global market. Furthermore, furfural production costs must be much less than the current market price if it is to be competative platform for bio fuels and chemicals. An alternative low-cost feedstock for furfural is corn
more » ... ran from a corn ethanol process. We have proposed a new process for producing furfural from corn bran that consumes no mineral acids. The high hemicellulose content of corn bran reduces capital and operating costs. Eliminating mineral acids reduces chemical consumption and makes the residual solids suitable for consumption as animal feed. The combination of a low cost source of hemicellulose and high valued residue could make the proposed process more economical than current processes based on corncobs.
doi:10.2172/1631566 fatcat:fkprisjarnaalmvcgeutwd73zi