Towards a Chinese text-to-speech system with higher naturalness

Ren-Hua Wang, Qinfeng Liu, Yongsheng Teng, Deyu Xia
1998 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 1998)   unpublished
This paper presents our research efforts on Chinese text-tospeech towards higher naturalness, the main results can be summarized as follows: 1. In the proposed TTS system the syllable-sized units were cut out from the real recorded speech, the synthetic speech was generated by concatenating these units back together. 2. The integration of units synthesized by rules with natural units was tested. A LMA filter based synthesizer was developed successfully to test and generate those units, which
more » ... e difficult to be collected from the speech corpus. 3. A new efficient Chinese character coding scheme -"Yin Xu Code"(YX Code) has been developed to assist the GB Code. Based on above results, a Chinese text-to-speech system named as "KD-863" has been developed. In the national assessment of Chinese TTS systems held at the end of March 1998 in Beijing, the system achieved a first of the naturalness MOS (Mean Opinion Score). Teng, Y., et al " YX-Code and Word Parsing in Chinese TTS System" to be published at ISCSLP98.
doi:10.21437/icslp.1998-47 fatcat:ifozpzvc5zfzhdktpvt6f3icpi