The two geometric parameters influence study on the hydrostatic problem solution accuracy by the SPH method
Исследование влияния двух геометрических параметров на точность решения гидростатической задачи методом гидродинамики сглаженных частиц

Igor' Ivanovich Potapov, Olga V. Reshetnikova
2021 Компьютерные исследования и моделирование  
The two significant geometric parameters are proposed that affect the physical quantities interpolation in the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method (SPH). They are: the smoothing coefficient which the particle size and the smoothing radius are connecting and the volume coefficient which determine correctly the particle mass for a given particles distribution in the medium. In paper proposes a technique for these parameters influence assessing on the SPH method interpolations accuracy when the
more » ... hydrostatic problem solving. The analytical functions of the relative error for the density and pressure gradient in the medium are introduced for the accuracy estimate. The relative error functions are dependent on the smoothing factor and the volume factor. Designating a specific interpolation form in SPH method allows the differential form of the relative error functions to the algebraic polynomial form converting. The root of this polynomial gives the smoothing coefficient values that provide the minimum interpolation error for an assigned volume coefficient. In this work, the derivation and analysis of density and pressure gradient relative errors functions on a sample of popular nuclei with different smoothing radius was carried out. There is no common the smoothing coefficient value for all the considered kernels that provides the minimum error for both SPH interpolations. The nuclei representatives with different smoothing radius are identified which make it possible the smallest errors of SPH interpolations to provide when the hydrostatic problem solving. As well, certain kernels with different smoothing radius was determined which correct interpolation do not allow provide when the hydrostatic problem solving by the SPH method.
doi:10.20537/2076-7633-2021-13-5-979-992 fatcat:2fnmhmc4inaqfce22keaq5zwq4