Extending Porous Supuramolecular Network to Silicon Compounds

Yoshiteru Kawakami, Yoshio Kabe
Journal of Networkpolymer,Japan  
With the variety of porous polymers developed to date, the first half of this review aims to provide an overview of five types of porous supramolecular networks. that offer the opportunity of self-assembled 2D/3D nanostructures; Metal organic framework (MOF), Hydrogen-bonded framework (HOF), Porous organic polymer (POP) and Porous organic cages (POC). While porosity of MOF, HOF and COF networks, can be achieved by using reversible metal coordination bond, hydrogen bond and covalent bond, POP
more » ... POC are made by introduction of space-controlled groups and intrinsic porosity. The latter half of this review provides an overview of silicates, polysilsesqueoxane and silicone that have potential for extending MOF and POP networks to them. The HOF and COF networks of silanol and silanepolycathecolate extended very recently are also explained.
doi:10.11364/networkedpolymer.40.4_184 fatcat:tvzbzax6yrdv3prduzmwkmsoya