Some Thoughts on the Mechanism of Supersonic Cavity Flow Oscillations. Part 2. A New Formula for the Oscillation Frequency
超音速キャビティ流の振動機構に関する考察 第2報 振動周波数予測式の提案

Michio NISHIOKA, Tomohiro ASAI, Shoji SAKAUE, Koji SHIRAI
2002 Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics  
We have been working on the problem of supersonic cavity flows, which are characterized by violent self-sustaining flow oscillations generating strong vortical motions, with a hope that such vortical motions can be used as a powerful means for supersonic mixing/combustion enhancement, a key technology for developing scramjet engines. In our previous study, we examined the generation and propagation processes of compression waves to clarify the feedback mechanism sustaining the oscillation. In
more » ... e present study, focusing on the effect of the cavity length to depth ratio LID on the oscillation frequency, we first examine the receptivity process by which the vortical disturbance dominating the cavity oscillation is generated by compression waves in the cavity leading edge region. We next derive and propose a new formula for the oscillation frequency, which expresses the resonance condition between the key phenomena such as generation, propagation and receptivity processes of compression waves governing the feedback mechanism.
doi:10.11426/nagare1982.21.368 fatcat:znxseemr75gt5i5g5frveatryq