Correlation of Breast cancer Prognostic and Predictive indicators in Saudi patients: A 20 years retrospective observational study [article]

Haitham Kussaibi
2020 medRxiv   pre-print
Introduction Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Saudi Arabia and the world (WHO 2020). Several studies have been published, worldwide, about the prognostic indicators of breast cancer, many of them showed a characteristic distribution according to certain geographical areas Methods Over 20 years (1998-2018), the results of 498 patients diagnosed with breast cancer, have been collected from the archive of the pathology department at King Fahd University Hospital (KFHU). Results
more » ... his study included 498 patients diagnosed with breast cancer at King Fahd University Hospital over 20 years period (1998-2018), 58.4% (n=291) were Saudis. Data analysis showed a wide age distribution of breast cancers among eastern Saudi patients; however, most cases were seen in the 3rd and 4th decades. Luminal B was the most common subtype followed by triple-negative and luminal-A. Statistical analysis revealed a significant negative relationship between Saudi patients' age at diagnosis and Her2 expression (P= .030), interestingly, this association was not significant in none-Saudi patients (P= .528). Discussion/Conclusion. Our data revealed that breast cancer in Eastern Province had similar prognostics to international findings, however, Her2 profile and molecular subtype among Eastern Saudi women showed a minor deviation from worldwide published data.
doi:10.1101/2020.09.22.20173955 fatcat:2b25t4g2rbghpkpndn4tdst5xa