Performance Evaluation of Node Failure Prediction QoS Routing Protocol (NFPQR) in Ad Hoc Networks

Dr D, Sake Pothalaiah
2010 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
The characteristics of ad hoc networks make the QoS support a very complex process unlike traditional networks. The nodes in ad hoc wireless networks have limited power capabilities. The node failure in the network leads to different problems such as network topology changes, network partitions, packet losses and low signal quality. Many QoS routing protocols like Predictive location based QoS routing protocol (PLBQR), Ticket based QoS routing, Trigger based distributed QoS routing (TDR)
more » ... l ,Bandwidth routing(BR) protocol, Core extracted distributed routing (CEDAR) protocol have been proposed. However these algorithms do not consider the node failures and their consequences in the routing. Thus most of the routing protocols do not perform well in frequent or unpredictable node failure conditions. Node Failure Predication QoS Routing" (NFPQR) scheme provides an optimal route selection by predicting the possibility of failure of a node through its power level. The NFPQR protocol has been modified as C-NFPQR (Clustered NFPQR) in order to provide power optimization using clustered based approach. The performance of the NFPQR and C-NFPQR is evaluated through the same QoS parameters.
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2010.010609 fatcat:dktt7ozgwjaqzjvjfznnrojwte