Food Extrusion Energy Conversion Conjugate Ohmic Heat and Mass Transfer for Stagnation Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow with Physical Multimedia Features

I-Hua Lin, Kai-Long Hsiao
2015 American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  
The energy conversion conjugate conduction-convection Ohmic mixed heat and mass transfer of an incompressible viscoelastic fluid on thermal forming stretching sheet has been studied. The present study has been applied similarity transformation method to change the partial differential equations transform to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, and it has also been used an implicit finite-difference method to solve the system's equations. The numerical calculating results for the
more » ... onjugate heat transfer energy conversion problem which have been carried out as functions of viscoelastic number E, Prandtl number Pr and buoyancy parameter Gr, Gc, etc. The parameters of E, E1, Gr, Gc and Pr are important energy conversion factors in this study, it should be produced greater heat transfer energy conversion effect with a larger values of E, E1, Gr, Gc or Pr, but the parameter M or Ec will be reduced the heat transfer energy conversion effect. For mass transfer energy conversion processing, the Schemidt number Sc or reaction parameter Rc will be increased the mass transfer energy conversion effects. For heat conduction energy conversion aspect, the convection-conduction number Ncc will be increased the heat conduction energy conversion effect. Because of present study has been studied about many parameters physical features, so that it is also belong to a multimedia physical feature study work.
doi:10.7726/ajhmt.2015.1009 fatcat:lmxnv3kcefdcblxxuipkmczpmm