Context-based modelling of interferometric signals for the assessment of tear-film surface quality

D. Alonso-Caneiro, D. H. Szczesna, D. R. Iskander, M. J. Collins
2009 2009 IEEE/SP 15th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing  
Modelling of interferometric signals related to tear film surface quality is considered. In the context of tear film surface quality estimation in normal healthy eyes, two clinical parameters are of interest: the build-up time, and the average interblink surface quality. The former is closely related to the signal derivative while the latter to the signal itself. Polynomial signal models, chosen for a particular set of noisy interferometric measurements, can be optimally selected, in some
more » ... with a range of information criteria such as AIC, MDL, C p, and CME. Those criteria, however, do not always guarantee that the true derivative of the signal is accurately represented and they often overestimate it. Here, a practical method for judicious selection of model order in a polynomial fitting to a signal is proposed so that the derivative of the signal is adequately represented. The paper highlights the importance of context-based signal modelling in model order selection.
doi:10.1109/ssp.2009.5278515 fatcat:q4nwxtwgmzeexe7zir5kr7qhue