Security Analysis on "Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Smart Home Environment with Provable Security"

Meijia Xu, Qiying Dong, Mai Zhou, Chenyu Wang, Yangyang Liu, Qi Jiang
2020 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
As an important application of the Internet of Things, smart home has greatly facilitated our life. Since the communication channels of smart home are insecure and the transmitted data are usually sensitive, a secure and anonymous user authentication scheme is required. Numerous attempts have been taken to design such authentication schemes. Recently, Shuai et al. (Computer & Security 86(2019):132146) designed an anonymous authentication scheme for smart home using elliptic curve cryptography.
more » ... hey claimed that the proposed scheme is secure against various attacks and provides ideal attributes. However, we show that their scheme cannot resist inside attack and offline dictionary attack and also fails to achieve forward secrecy. Furthermore, we give some suggestions to enhance the security of the scheme. These suggestions also apply to other user authentication schemes with similar flaws.
doi:10.1155/2020/8838363 fatcat:e5ny5zrbqbam7og7erx7x7tk7q