Cross infection of Pieris brassicae granulosis virus on other siblings of Pieris species

R. VARATHARAJAN, W. SANGEETA, H. SARJUBALA, P. H. SUJATA, R. R. RACHANA, CAS in Life Sciences, Manipur University, Imphal - 795003, Manipur, India, CAS in Life Sciences, Manipur University, Imphal - 795003, Manipur, India, CAS in Life Sciences, Manipur University, Imphal - 795003, Manipur, India, CAS in Life Sciences, Manipur University, Imphal - 795003, Manipur, India, Division of Germplasm Collection & Characterization, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru - 560024, Karnataka, India
2019 Journal of Biological Control  
Pieris brassicae granulosis virus (PibrGV) has been found to infect yet another two siblings namely P. canidia Linn. & Pontia daplidice (=Pieris daplidice) (Roeber) in addition to P. brassicae (Linn.). The susceptibility of P. canidia and P. daplidice has been established clearly in this work by inoculating them with PibrGV @ 5x10 4 occlusion bodies (OBs) per ml by the conventional leaf disc method. All the inoculated larvae exhibited typical symptoms of viral infection after 5-7 days of post
more » ... fection. The above three species of the genus Pieris occur on cabbage and cauliflower plants at different periods in the valley region of Imphal and therefore, it is possible to control all the three species of Pieris using the same virus. LC 50 value of PibrGV on P. brassicae, P. canidia and P. daplidice was found to be 7.9x10 4 ; 10x10 6 ; and 6.3x10 6 OBs/ml and the LT 50 was 134.89; 138.03; 174.50 hours, respectively. (Article chronicle:
doi:10.18311/jbc/2019/22667 fatcat:3y2lq7m6cjfi5kmwt6im4qcrn4