Semi-Regularization Topological Spaces

Nouf Alfarsi, Dina Abuzaid, Lutfi Kalantan
2022 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics  
If ( X , τ ) is a topological space, then the semi-regularization topology τ s on X of τ is the coarser topology on X generated by the family of all open domains of ( X , τ ) where a subset U is called an open domain if U = int(U). In this paper, we study the semi-regularity of some generated spaces and some properties of weaker version of normality of the semi-regularization space ( X , τ s ) of a space ( X , τ ).
doi:10.29020/nybg.ejpam.v15i3.4386 fatcat:w5dix7hhcjezfkuavgdojcb6oy