Peer review in team-based learning: influencing feedback literacy

Annette Burgess, Chris Roberts, Andrew Stuart Lane, Inam Haq, Tyler Clark, Eszter Kalman, Nicole Pappalardo, Jane Bleasel
2021 BMC Medical Education  
Background Peer review in Team-based learning (TBL) exists for three key reasons: to promote reflection on individual behaviours; provide opportunities to develop professional skills; and prevent 'free riders' who fail to contribute effectively to team discussions. A well-developed process that engages students is needed. However, evidence suggests it remains a difficult task to effectively incorporate into TBL. The purpose of this study was to assess medical students' ability to provide
more » ... feedback to their peers in TBL, and to explore students' perception of the process, using the conceptual framework of Biggs '3P model'. Methods Year 2 students (n = 255) participated in peer review twice during 2019. We evaluated the quality of feedback using a theoretically derived rubric, and undertook a qualitative analysis of focus group data to seek explanations for feedback behaviors. Results Students demonstrated reasonable ability to provide positive feedback, but were less prepared to identify areas for improvement. Their ability did not improve over time, and was influenced by the perceived task difficulty; social discomfort; and sense of responsibility in providing written feedback. Conclusions To increase student engagement, we require a transparent process that incorporates verbal feedback and team discussion, with monitoring of outcomes by faculty and adequate training.
doi:10.1186/s12909-021-02821-6 fatcat:t7axu2mwd5d6bls5ud4oqblgj4