Level of Language Anxiety in Classroom among Students in a Higher Education Institute in Malaysia

Mohammad Ali Al-Saggaf, Fatimatul Amirah Najla binti Mohd Zawawi, Ali Hadi Al-Aidaros
2021 Studies in Humanities and Education  
The study aims to identify Higher Education students' level of language anxiety in the classroom. Moreover, the study also investigated the Higher Education Institute students' level of anxiety in each of the components in English language. 236 students from a Higher Education Institute participated in this study. The quantitative method has been used in this study and a set of questionnaire was adapted from FLCAS that was developed by Horwitz et al. (1986). For the finding, the study found
more » ... Higher Education Institute students have moderate level of language anxiety. Therefore, the study also revealed that the Higher Education Institute students have a moderate level of language anxiety in the test anxiety component and fear of negative evaluation component. On the other hand, Higher Education Institute students' have a high level of language anxiety in the communication apprehension component. The current study could help future educators to acknowledge more on language anxiety and help educators to find a good solution for these students.
doi:10.48185/she.v2i1.173 fatcat:qgjtugbl5fgcjb5aqnuhnw3jv4