Interpretivism in IS - a Postmodernist (or Postpositivist?) Knowledge Theory

Jan H. Kroeze
2012 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
This paper explores the association between postmodernism and interpretivism. The paper's objective is to show that the interpretivist research paradigm shows very clear postmodernist traits. After defining the two concepts the paper attempts to answer the research question whether interpretivism is a typical postmodernist approach to Information Systems science and research. The paper is conceptual, using a philosophical-logical approach. It makes a contribution to the discipline of
more » ... Systems by taking the reflection on the continuum of positivism-interpretivism-critical research a level deeper by connecting interpretivism with the broader, encompassing paradigm of postmodernism.
dblp:conf/amcis/Kroeze12 fatcat:hkdpm5zdbramthwgoono2zohtq