Segmented Regression via the Shape Language Modeling for Multi-Slope Path-Loss Modeling

Dayan A. Guimarães
2021 Anais do XXXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais   unpublished
The multi-slope law for the area-mean received signal power decay has been considered a more adequate choice for modeling and analyzing the propagation path-loss in wireless networks. This paper presents a method for fitting localmean signal power measurements to a non-increasing, two-or three-slope piece-wise linear function of the transmitter-receiver distance. The optimal fit is achieved by means of the shape language modeling (SLM) tool when configured to the first order spline fitting
more » ... n, with two and three segments. Some results are presented and discussed, and guidelines are given in what concerns the strategy for sampling the received power levels.
doi:10.14209/sbrt.2021.1570730012 fatcat:ql3xfz57srftzdiqj3e42b6yii