Factors Influencing Outcomes From A Technology-Focused Professional Development Program

Tomoe Kanaya, Daniel Light, Katherine McMillan Culp
2005 Journal of Research on Technology in Education  
Using survey data, the authors examined the relationship between intensity (as opposed to duration) of a technology-focused professional development program and specifi c participant characteristics in predicting successful outcomes. Th e four participant characteristics chosen were: teachers' feelings of preparedness to support student technology use, teachers' perceptions of the usefulness of creating technology-based projects with students, teachers' perceptions of the relevance of the
more » ... gical approaches emphasized, and teachers' prior use of featured software. Two outcomes were defi ned: (1) Use of new software applications/technology skills and (2) implementation of new technology-rich lessons. Analyses indicated diff erent combinations of personal characteristics predicted each outcome. In addition, intensity of the program only predicted the latter outcome. Implications of this research are discussed within the framework of the professional development literature.
doi:10.1080/15391523.2005.10782439 fatcat:t6itiogzqffehox2deqbljcurm