Large-momentum-transfer Bragg interferometer with strontium atoms

T. Mazzoni, X. Zhang, R. Del Aguila, L. Salvi, N. Poli, G. M. Tino
2015 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We report on the first atom interferometer based on Bragg diffraction in a fountain of alkaline-earth atoms, namely ^88Sr. We demonstrate large momentum transfer to the atoms up to eight photon recoils and the use of the interferometer as a gravimeter with a sensitivity δ g/g=4× 10^-8. Thanks to the special characteristics of strontium atoms for precision measurements, this result opens a new way for experiments in fundamental and applied physics.
doi:10.1103/physreva.92.053619 fatcat:aovpjjxxmnhzbim54s76q24wai