Development of dynamics and synchronization model for coupled neurons using Hindmarsh-Rose model

M. Mamat, P. W. Kurniawan, A. Kartono
2013 Applied Mathematical Sciences  
This paper presents development of dynamics and synchronization of coupled neurons using the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model. Time-scales of both slow-fast variables are added to reduce the number of simulation time. By this method, we can analyze different pattern of synchronization of two systems by giving delayed-times in fast variable and different time-scales in slow variable. Sigmoid function is applied to combine two neurons that have a synapses strength as chemical coupled. Delayed-times
more » ... nal propagations between nerve cells made gap oscillating motion and offset by time time-scales in slow. In biologically relevant gap time signal propagation relatively small, we applied to our simulation experimental study. Meanwhile synapses strength exhibited joining the two neurons via diffusive synapse. In larger network systems this number is slightly small needed to make information transmitted surely inter neuron. Synchronization appearing both two neurons coupled and complete synchronization by increasing number of synapse strength. Moreover, synchronization both slow and fast systems are characterized separately. Mathematics Subject Classification: 35F25, 37N25, 92C50
doi:10.12988/ams.2013.13012 fatcat:yfasl3gakzcoda5x5a4nie27ly