Oil of Ergot in Diarrhœa

1841 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
inflammation in parts of low vitality, avoiding the destructive processes of ulcération or sloughing ; it is applicable to any part not admitting of pressure, as the eyelid, the lip, the tongue, the labia pudendi, this auxiliary not being required for hemorrhagy, or any other event, or for the cure ; and it may he carried deeply, to parts adjacent to an artery, to bone, &ic. It only requires to he done thoroughly, to be repeated often enough, and to be followed by sufficient delay for
more » ... necessarily slow, to be established and completed. It seems long to wait weeks and months for the completion of nature's operations. Yet it is distinctly proved that that which cannot be accomplished in the present case, in one month, or in two months, is so in six. And if any part be left uncured, the remedy is as simple, as it is easy and efficacious. 1 cannot have the slightest doubt that the most formidable cases would be cured by the persevering repetition of this
doi:10.1056/nejm184111100251405 fatcat:h4uyleo4azan3jqrmf726qtypi