Design and Implementation MAXNET Neural Network with MATLAB

Liqaa S. Mezher
2019 International Journal of Wireless Communications and Network Technologies  
In this paper a software realization of a Neural Network (NN), the present work describes the implementation of the Max -Net algorithm. The performance of a neural network is characterized by the neural network's structure, transfer function, and learning algorithm. The designed architecture is described using MAX -Net neural network classification based on single Layer. The neural network's structure depends on the complexity of the relationship between the input and the output. This no need
more » ... aining part of the neural network, the weight matrix is fixed based on absolute value. This paper discusses the issues involved in implementation of a multi-input neuron with linear excitation functions (poslin) using MATLAB program and MATLAB Simulink neural network tools software implementation is presented.
doi:10.30534/ijwcnt/2019/14832019 fatcat:24wupavreveybfgsauy7v3lcgu