Analysis of Three Antecedent Dimensions of Service Towards Consumer's Trust and Their Impact on Post-Purchase Behavior

Retno Dewanti, Wendy Teoh, Yulia Wati, Rahayu Rahayu
2011 Journal the Winners: Economics, Business, Management, and Information System Journal  
In the last few years retail industry in Indonesia has been grown rapidly by three main factors, namely economic, demographic and socio-cultural. If a retail business can gain success in Malaysia, it may not gain the same success in Indonesia. A research is conducted using associative analysis by correlation test with path analysis technique and Pearson Product Moment correlation. The results of this research show that three antecedents of service variables -interaction quality, the quality of
more » ... hysical environment, and outcome qualityare related to each other and simultaneously influence consumer's trust. Regarding to the partial analysis, it is found that the quality of physical environment and consumer's trust has significant effects on post-purchase behavior. Path analysis shows that three antecedents of service indirectly contribute to consumer post-purchase behavior through consumer's trust. However, the outcome quality provides the largest contribution on it. ABSTRAK Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir bisnis ritel di Indonesia telah berkembang pesat yang dipengaruhi tiga faktor utama, yaitu ekonomi, demografi dan sosial-budaya. Jika suatu bisnis ritel dapat meraih sukses di Malaysia, mungkin tidak mendapatkan keberhasilan yang sama di Indonesia. Sebuah penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis asosiatif berdasarkan uji korelasi dengan teknik analisis jalur dan korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tiga variabel anteseden layanan -kualitas interaksi, kualitas lingkungan, dan kualitas hasil -terkait satu sama lain dan secara simultan mempengaruhi kepercayaan konsumen. Berdasarkan analisis parsial, ditemukan bahwa kualitas lingkungan fisik dan kepercayaan konsumen memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap perilaku pasca pembelian. Analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa tiga anteseden pelayanan secara tidak langsung berkontribusi kepada perilaku pasca pembelian konsumen melalui kepercayaan konsumen. Namun, kualitas hasil memberikan kontribusi terbesar.
doi:10.21512/tw.v12i2.670 fatcat:lvrsbpuw2jfjbmvsfd5tqeu2pq