A Field Study of the Environmental Pollution Resulting from Quarries and Crushers in Sukna-Al-Jafra

Masoud Ehmed Suliman Ehmed
2020 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Throughout the ages the surrounding environment has been intentionally or unintentionally polluted. Since the fire was discovered, the human used it for his own purposes such as: cooking, smelting metals, lighting, heating, burning forests, and other types of uses that pollute the environment. With the emergence of industrial and civil development, environmental pollution began to increase in a way that poses a threat to human health and life. This necessitated attention to the presence of
more » ... nce indicating that it has begun to threaten all creatures on the surface of the globe. The study was an attempt to shed light on the environmental pollution resulting from quarries and crushers, and to find successful solutions to achieve a broader understanding of environmental conservation with conducting a field study to find out the percentage of air pollutants in the study area (quarries and crushers in Sukana). As well as introducing the dangers of air pollution on the surrounding environment and finding correct scientific foundations in accordance with the Libyan laws, regulations and legislation that regulate the sites of quarries and crushers. In addition, to know the fate of the natural environment which that surrounding of crushers in the current situation and the role of climatic elements in transporting pollutants to the air. And to contribute to the establishment of a database in the field of environmental studies to assess its effects in the Al-Jufra region and to find solutions and recommendations to control environmental pollutants at quarries and crushers sites.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.32404 fatcat:ssdkjefuejbotgsi2m246ac4vq