International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning

Clare Bentall
2017 International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning  
This issue focuses on the Canadian National Youth White Paper on Global Citizenship (2015), which can be found here: The White Paper involved a process in which Canada, for the first time, explicitly included youth in discussions about their understandings and needs in relation to global citizenship education. The first two articles analyse the process and content of the White Paper from different perspectives. The third offers a theoretical challenge to notions of global
more » ... citizenship and their relevance to all youth worldwide. The final article, though not written with the White Paper in mind, offers another perspective on one of the issues young people identified as problematic: volunteering and other forms of 'helping' .
doi:10.18546/ijdegl.8.2.01 fatcat:2j7doqae7rhojblvyeydi4dk4e