Information systems managers' perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting: a multivariate analysis

T.S. Ellis, R.L. Webster
Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Information Systems (IS) managers from two geographic regions of the United States, the West Coast and the Southeast, were selected as the population to study. The IS managers were asked to respond to a series of twelve advantages and eleven disadvantages associated with telecommuting. Each item's importance was recorded on a seven point Likert scale, where a one indicated very unimportant and a seven indicated very important. Demographic data of respondents were also collected to identify age,
more » ... organization size, salary level, and whether or not their company had a telecommuting program in place. Prior telecommuting research has not addressed the viewpoint of Information Systems managers, nor have distinctions been made geographically and organizationally between firms that have instituted a telecommuting program and those that have not. This research extends the body of knowledge by concentrating on these heretofore unstudied areas.
doi:10.1109/hicss.1997.663367 dblp:conf/hicss/EllisW97 fatcat:2cs234bpsfei7e3s4hmtvago7q