Tritium Storage Material [report]

Donald F. Cowgill, Weifang Luo, John E. Smugeresky, David B. Robinson, Stephen James Fares, Markus D. Ong, Ilke Arslan, Kim L. Tran, Kevin F. McCarty, George B. Sartor, Kenneth D. Stewart, W. Miles Clift
2008 unpublished
Nano-structured palladium is examined as a tritium storage material with the potential to release beta-decay-generated helium at the generation rate, thereby mitigating the aging effects produced by enlarging He bubbles. Helium retention in proposed structures is modeled by adapting the Sandia Bubble Evolution model to nano-dimensional material. The model shows that even with ligament dimensions of 6-12 nm, elevated temperatures will be required for low He retention. Two nanomaterial synthesis
more » ... athways were explored: de-alloying and surfactant templating. For de-alloying, PdAg alloys with piranha etchants appeared likely to generate the desired morphology with some additional development effort. Nano-structured 50 nm Pd particles with 2-3 mn pores were successfully produced by surfactant templating using PdCl salts and an oligo(ethylene oxide) hexadecyl ether surfactant. Tests were performed on this material to investigate processes for removing residual pore fluids and to examine the thermal stability of pores. A tritium manifold was fabricated to measure the early He release behavior of this and Pd black material and is installed in the Tritium Science Station glove box at LLNL. Pressurecomposition isotherms and particle sizes of a comercial Pd black were measured. Contents Abstract 3 Acknowledgements 4
doi:10.2172/1324749 fatcat:d2bhlijj7fgyjpyx2dqgxhea2e