A case of calcifying epithelioma with marked calcification and ossification

Mayumi MIYAHARA, Jun-ichi TANUMA, Kiyomi KAWASHIMA, Etsuro NOZOE, Ichiro SEMBA, Kazumasa SUGIHARA
2007 Japanese Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  
Calcifying epithelioma (pilomatrixoma) is a benign cutaneous tumor derived from skin appendages, such as pilomatrix. It is usually a solitary tumor and commonly found on the head, neck, and upper extremities in young-adult women; multiple occurrences are rare. Histopathologically, the tumor is composed of basophilic cells and eoshinophilic shadow cells with occasional calcification and bone formation. A 20-year-old woman presented to our clinic with a 4-year history of amass arising in the
more » ... ior part of the right auricle. Examinations revealed two other solitary masses on both forearms. The tumor at the inferior part of the auricle showed marked calcification and ossification. We also clinicopathologically compared this case with
doi:10.5794/jjoms.53.499 fatcat:b4wtwqc4tbbgdkyliadldimpa4