Monte-Carlo simulations of arterial imaging with optical coherence tomography

Peter A. Amendt, Kent G. Estabrook, Matthew J. Everett, Richard A. London, Duncan J. Maitland, George B. Zimmerman, Bill W. Colston, Jr., Luiz B. Da Silva, Ujwal S. Sathyam, Valery V. Tuchin, Joseph A. Izatt, James G. Fujimoto
2000 Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications IV  
The laser-tissue interaction code LATIS [London et al., Appl. Optics 36, 9068 ( 1998)] is used to analyze phoron scattering histories representative of optical coherence tomography (OCT) experimerm perf,mmed at Lawrence L1vennore National Laboratory. Monte Carlo photonics with Henyey -Greenstein anisotropic scattering is implemented and used to simulal.e signal discrimination of intravasculw structure. An amdytic mcdcl is developed and nsed to obtain a scaling law relation for optimization of
more » ... e OCT signal ;md m validate Monte Carlo photonics. The appropriateness of the Henyey-Greenstcin phase function is smlied by direct comparison with more detailed Mk scattering theory using an ensemble of spherical dielectric scatterers. Modest differences are found between the two prescriptions for describhg photon angular scattering in tissue. In parficula, the M]e scattering phase functions provide less overall reflectance signal but more signal contrast compared to the Henyey-Greenstein formulation.
doi:10.1117/12.384157 fatcat:nkbie637gvej7ixoc374ut6dha