Project W-320, 241-C-106 sluicing: Construction specification W-320-C7 [report]

J.W. Bailey
1998 unpublished
This supporting document has been prepared to make the construction specifications for Project W-320, readily avail ab1 e. TRADEMARK DISCLAIMER. trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otheruise, does not necessariLy constitute or imply i t s endorsement, r e c m n d a t l o n , or favoring by the United States Goverment or any agency thereof or i t s contractors or subcontractors. Printed i n the United States of America. Control Services, P.O. Box 950, MaiLstop H6-08, Richland WA 99352, Phone
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doi:10.2172/344971 fatcat:hna6vvnkg5gtzefg6eoc655gau