The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, July 12, 1927] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Ho4iiM,lii.D,T W D,^ sWT (iOOD SCORES RCGISTEREDIT -BiSin SHOOT over wilnctwd on old Bnky ranftrv Ll K K llaci>rrgor. of Oiliw*. won ihc Time* »Uver trhy today. U. MacOregor fired againtl Senrt. A. G Fahoa. King'* True ♦inner of Utl year. A. C. Cock*. Kifle Br«adc aM S»rgt Mayor lUwkina of the Scot* Gnarda. blit MacGregor and Pahoa ctradily plagging la ball'* cyei nntil M^.cDieen had been ahot conaecBI Then Fgkvn dropped hi* bolkt to an inner, learnig MacGregor with the trophy and the Katiooal
more » ... ifte Aaaoiiation a rdd badge. Funeral Yeeterday of Late Joe. Fontana, Jr. The remain, of the ble j.oe|di K.«lana, Jr. wFre laid at rcat yeilerday in ihe Nanaimo Ceiuetrry. The Urge at tendance at the funeral and the un laanally large nintdwr of floral tribute. Hiohe cloi|uently of the reapect in nfaich he tea* held throi«hui e diairkt. Hi* iragK deal hrongh an a< he Gran' Lna the camp of pany at Mod tenaioa. in the ho«r of their bereavcby the Re» Mr McTtirii. aervi ra aim being condneted at Ihe grareeide by the member* of Ihe Loyal Order of rondneted at Ihe grareeide I Mr W. W. Hewlett, dutator oi the l.adyamith Lodge, ami Mr Mai Ihew Storey, cliaplaia of Ihe Nananno lanlgr. Me.cra A. Vangar, J Michie. G Bonater. J fhek. J Harnea* and M Wargu officiated aa pallbearera. thr loSiiwing floral tribute* bring grate fnUy achmneledged: rillow-The Fanuly. Ancb.w-f.rant Logging Co. t.l.*e-Mr and Mr. \Troglto and lanidy.
doi:10.25316/ir-3785 fatcat:j34f4e5z6zdtpldvgai777iqji